White Cliffs SS/24

White Cliffs SS/24

Enchanting Elegance: White Cliffs

In the world of fashion, there is a constant search for timeless elegance for different dressing occasions. With the theme White Cliffs, we show a bi-colored beige with ecru. A stunning collection with sand colors in the leading role. 

This harmony of shades creates an atmosphere of tranquility and sophistication. 

Between the items of beige and ecru, crochet and crochet patterns alternate. 

What sets White Cliffs apart is that in this theme we make the comeback with the blouse jacket. What makes the blouse jacket so popular is that you can wear this jacket for the different occasions.

This item adds a touch of sophistication to your outfit. With its light, airy fabric and often elegant details like button closures, the blouse jacket adds a touch of femininity and finesse to any look.